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Esplanade Presents
19 May 2023, Fri, 8pm
20 May 2023, Sat, 8pm & 9pm
21 May 2023, Sun, 8pm
(Intermission: None)
Esplanade Forecourt Garden
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This event is over.
Immerse in a blend of traditional Malay wayang kulit and modern ambient soundscapes in Sri Setia Pulau Singa and Kicau-Bilau’s first collaborative project.
Singaporean traditional Malay wayang kulit group, Sri Setia Pulau Singa, and Malaysian ambient soundscape artist duo, Kicau-Bilau, will be presenting a quintessential wayang kulit story, Sirat Maharaja Buka Negeri, with a modern music twist. Follow the tale of a king who faces innumerable trials and tribulations as he attempts to build his own nation, until things take a turn for the better after the mysterious appearance of a beautiful princess. Who is this princess and why did she appear?
Find out in this unique performance at Esplanade that unites tradition and modernity in Malay artforms.
Kicau Bilau
A soundscape duo based in Malaysia that plays ambient, instrumental music using angklung and guitar. Founded in 2017, Kicau-Bilau is driven by collaborations with other creatives from different fields of the arts. Their name is a play on words, intended as an opposite to the Malay reduplicative word kacau-bilau which bears the similar meaning and linguistic trait of helter-skelter or topsy-turvy. Kicau-Bilau literally translates as ‘arbitrary chirping’.
Sri Setia Pulau Singa
Singa Sri Setia Pulau Singa, a wayang kulit group named by Pak Soh, was formed on 26 March 2012 by a group of youth from Singapore. Coming from a dikir barat background, it is no surprise that members of Sri Setia Pulau Singa developed an interest in another Kelantan traditional artform, wayang kulit Kelantan. Sri Setia Pulau Singa, trained by Pak Soh, aims to bring wayang kulit Kelantan to the hearts of Singapore cultural enthusiasts.
19 May 2023, Fri
20 May 2023, Sat
21 May 2023, Sun
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