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Esplanade Presents
6 – 8 Oct 2023
Check in five times at Octoburst! 2023 to redeem a PIP tattoo sticker!
Get a free PIP tattoo sticker when you check in five times at Octoburst! performances and at PIP’s PLAYbox.
I have received one PIP tattoo sticker. If I check in at five more shows, will I get another sticker?
No, you will not. It is limited to one redemption per member.
Where can I view my check-in history?
Log in to your account and go into “My Check-ins”.
Applicable for free performances at Esplanade Concourse, Esplanade Concert Hall, Roving performances, and PIP’s PLAYbox on 6 Oct only.
Limited PIP stickers available. Limited to one redemption per member. While stocks last.
Each member can check in up to three times per venue daily.
You will be notified via email once you have accumulated five check-ins.
Please present the email to collect your PIP stickers at Esplanade Concourse on 6 Oct from 10am to 5pm. From 7 Oct onwards, you can redeem it at Esplanade Box Office and Visitor Centre from 12pm to 8pm daily.
Existing Esplanade&Me terms and conditions apply.
Great arts experiences begin with Esplanade&Me. Join this membership to enjoy ticket specials on shows at Esplanade, early bird specials, promotions at Esplanade Mall, unlimited access to Offstage and more.