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Esplanade Presents
6 Aug 2022, Sat, 6.45pm, 8.15pm & 9.45pm
(Intermission: None)
DBS Foundation Outdoor Theatre at Esplanade
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We Are Each Other’s Stories, We Are Each Other’s Second Chances is presented by Esplanade and performed by the Yellow Ribbon PAC Alumni and Intune Music. This performance features songs from the Yellow Ribbon Songwriting Competition, jointly organised by the Composers and Authors Society of Singapore (COMPASS) and Yellow Ribbon Project.
This year’s performance is the first time they will be singing in front of a live audience, and will also feature a special original song, ‘Love Can Heal’, composed by ex-offender Leowolf. This song talks about how important love is in our lives, be it from our family, friends or our loved ones. Love can heal, and the Yellow Ribbon PAC Alumni Band hopes that their performance can ignite that spark of love in your hearts.
This year’s concert will also feature a female ex-offender, Fazera Binte Ahmad who won the Yellow Ribbon Songwriting Competition in 2019 with her original composition “Closer to the Sky”.
As the concert is held in the month of our nation’s birthday, the YR PAC Alumni band will also be performing popular National Day songs specially for this year’s concert.
Mask-wearing is not required, though encouraged, for outdoor events. No tickets will be issued. Seats are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Intune Music
Intune Music was founded in 2007 by pianist Peng Chi Sheng and vocalist Aaron Matthew Lim. Striving to inspire musicians from all walks of life, Intune Music has conducted music and performance lessons for inmates in Changi Prison since 2014. Lim and Peng continue to keep in contact with students even after their release from prison. In the year 2020, they founded the Yellow Ribbon PAC Alumni, and it is their hope that through these regular music jamming sessions and performance opportunities, the alumni members can continue to stay grounded and begin to believe in themselves again.
Yellow Ribbon PAC Alumni
The Yellow Ribbon PAC Alumni band this year comprises Upu Badarrudin Shah Bin Jaldairie, Mohd Yazid Bin Abdullah, Mohamed Jalani Bin Atan, Yahya Bin Ahmad, Mohammad Ayub Mohd Tahir, Ridwan Juhari, Mohamed Razif Bin Haron, Mohammad Ridzwan Bin Abdol Latiff, Riduan bin Abd Majid, and Suhirmi Bin Mohamad. It is a group of music lovers determined to make a difference in their lives and inspire those around them who may have strayed from the right path. With the support of close friends and mentors, they are ready to be the light for others.
6 Aug 2022, Sat
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