Embark on a thrilling adventure in a future world ravaged by climate change. Join a family's escape to a modern city, where a child discovers allies among wild animals. Presented by one of the most celebrated and respected dance artists today, Akram Khan's Jungle Book reimagined is a captivating dance-theatre production that reinvents the journey of Mowgli through the eyes of a climate refugee.
Dive into a magical world with your family and celebrate the importance of belonging and respecting nature. Featuring an original score, ten international dancers and state-of-the-art animation and visuals, Jungle Book reimagined is a beautifully compelling and vital piece of storytelling that is not to be missed.
Director/Choreographer Akram Khan
Creative Associate/Coach Mavin Khoo
Writer Tariq Jordan
Dramaturgical Advisor Sharon Clark
Composer Jocelyn Pook
Sound Designer Gareth Fry
Lighting Designer Michael Hulls
Visual Stage Designer Miriam Buether
Art Direction and Director of Animation Adam Smith (YeastCulture)
Producer/Director of Video Design Nick Hillel (YeastCulture)
Rotoscope Artists/Animators Naaman Azhari, Natasza Cetner, Edson R Bazzarin
Rehearsal Directors Nicky Henshall, Andrew Pan, Angela Towler (Tour)
Dancers Lucia Chocarro, Tom Davis-Dunn, Harry Theadora Foster, Thomasin Gülgeç, Jasper Narvaez, Max Revell, Matthew Sandiford, Pui Yung Shum, Elpida Skourou, Holly Vallis, Jan Mikaela Villanueva, Luke Watson
Producing Director Farooq Chaudhry
Executive Director Isabel Tamen
Project Manager Mashitah Omar
Co-produced by Curve Leicester, Attiki Cultural Society – Greece, Birmingham Hippodrome, Edinburgh International Festival, Esplanade – Theatres on the Bay Singapore, Festspielhaus St. Pölten, Internationaal Theater Amsterdam, Joan W. and Irving B. Harris Theater for Music and Dance – Chicago, Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts – New York, Maison de la Danse / Pôle européen de création – Lyon, National Arts Centre – Canada, New Vision Arts Festival – Hong Kong, Orsolina28, Pfalzbau Bühnen – Theater im Pfalzbau Ludwigshafen, Romaeuropa Festival, Stanford Live / Stanford University, Teatros del Canal – Madrid, théâtre de Caen, Théâtre de la Ville – Paris.
The technical adaptation of Jungle Book reimagined is kindly supported by Les Théâtres de la Ville de Luxembourg.
With the support of Garfield Weston Foundation, Genesis Foundation and Angela Bernstein CBE
Supported by Arts Council England