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Esplanade Presents
18 Nov 2023, Sat, 5pm
(Intermission: None)
Studio 219 (Esplanade Mall, #02-19)
This event is over.
This event is over.
This session is cancelled as the speaker is feeling unwell. We wish her a speedy recovery and apologise for any convenience caused.
While it has always been regarded and prized as precious jewellery, diamonds are often perceived as having diminishing value, unlike other materials such as gold. Malabar Gold & Diamonds have been reshaping this narrative, and in this talk, they share more about the value of diamonds beyond the point-of-sale.
Unlike gold, Diamond jewellery have always been perceived to have no resale value. Join us as we explore how Malabar Gold & Diamonds is reshaping the narrative.
Yasheedah Bte Yashaiya
Yasheedah Bte Yashaiya started her career and passion for diamond jewellery at 17 years old while working at a reputable jeweller in Malaysia. Upon completion of her degree, she took on a job as a trainer. She was also one of the qualifiers for Hearts On Fire University in Vegas in 2019 as the Top Sales Performer. With over 30 years of experience in the jewellery industry, she now heads Malabar Gold & Diamonds’ Business Development department in Malaysia.
18 Nov 2023, Sat
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