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Esplanade Presents
1 May 2023, Mon, 11am, 12pm & 1pm
(Intermission: None)
Esplanade Concert Hall (Meeting point: Concert Hall Information Counter)
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Come for an exclusive backstage tour to see Singapore's largest pipe organ up close. Three storeys high, the pipe organ in the Esplanade Concert Hall has 4,740 pipes and weighs about 25 tonnes (or five elephants). This is your chance to examine the pipes and mechanisms of this magnificent Klais organ in person, and discover how the instrument makes a range of sounds, from a tiny whistle to a monstrous growl.
1 May 2023, Mon
Great arts experiences begin with Esplanade&Me. Join this membership to enjoy ticket specials on shows at Esplanade, early bird specials, promotions at Esplanade Mall, unlimited access to Offstage and more.