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Esplanade Presents
5 Mar 2023, Sun, 2pm
(Intermission: None)
Esplanade Recital Studio
This event is over.
This event is over.
Edible gardening is a great hobby to stay mentally and physically active. It also contributes to food resilience and helps to heal the planet. Join Edible Garden City for an inspiring talk and discover how to embark on your own food growing journey!
Mask-wearing is optional. However, audiences are encouraged to continue to exercise responsibility and caution, such as wearing masks when in crowded places.
Note (for pre-registered audiences):
1. Registered patrons will have priority entry to the venue.
2. Seating will be assigned by our Esplanade ushers.
3. Please arrive 5mins before the start of the performance to secure your seat.
4. Seats will be released to walk-in patrons thereafter on a first-come, first-served basis.
Sheila Wee
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Sheila has over 30 years of experience in education and is currently Head of Schools & Programming at Edible Garden City. She has accreditation in the area of education (Postgraduate Diploma, Masters in Educational Management, ACTA) as well as in horticulture (Social & Therapeutic Horticulture/Thrive and Agriculture Technology/Republic Polytechnic). Teaching is in her bones. Since the completion of various projects with the Silver Generation Office, Sheila is increasingly drawn to reaching out to seniors in the community.
5 Mar 2023, Sun
Great arts experiences begin with Esplanade&Me. Join this membership to enjoy ticket specials on shows at Esplanade, early bird specials, promotions at Esplanade Mall, unlimited access to Offstage and more.