Cactus music is a blend of various genres like Indian folk,Indian classical, and alternative sound along with modern poetical lyrics written by Sidhu. Basically they love music in all forms...including various forms of folk.
The rendition is almost always in Bengali.Cactus was officially formed in 1992.
The Band became popular in 1999 when they released their first album from HMV. With numbers like “Brishti,Ooma,Icchamoti “this album portrayed -psychedelia in Bengali music for the first time.”HaludPakhi”,on the other hand created a long lasting sensation in the contemporary Bengali music scene with nostalgic feel.
After the success of their debut album,in the year 2002 Cactus composed & performed the score for the Bengali movie “Nil Nirjone”.The song “Mon” from the soundtrack became extremely popular and is still a crowd favourite.
The band released their second basic album “Rajar Raja” in 2004.Though this album had new sound with songs like “Buddho” & “Lash Kata Ghore” & flirting with folk rock in “Bodhu Re”,while the nostalgic quotient was very much there with songs like “UdanerGaan”,”Krishti” & “Ude Jete Chay”representing blues & psychedelic facet of the Band sound.
The Band released its third album “Tuccho” in 2008.”Tuccho” contained hits “Bhalo Theko” & the tile track “Tuccho”.They were then featured in the “Rock Street Journal’s” February 2009 issue.“Blah Blah Blah” was their fourth album which was released in October 2013.“Boro Deri” & “The Title Track” were the biggest hit from this album.
“Tobuo Thik Ache” was released in 2017.The Band won “Radio Mirchi Music Award’for the song “Joler Dhare” in the same year.