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Esplanade Presents
3 Sep 2022, Sat, 11am
(Intermission: None)
Esplanade Studio 219 (ST219)
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Have you written some scenes or a draft of a play, but are not sure how to edit? How can you explore various theatrical languages, including text and dialogue, when writing a play?
Aimed at beginner and intermediate writers interested in playwriting, this two-hour workshop includes practical tips for how to improve your work, especially that daunting transformation between the first and second drafts. We’ll look at what makes a play ‘good’, and go over the most common traps new plays can suffer from.
This workshop builds on Playwriting 101, which was held as part of Esplanade’s Cipta Cita 2021. However, attending the first session is not a pre-requisite to attending this session. There will be a Q&A session and participants are encouraged to take part in discussions.
Mask-wearing is optional. However, audiences are encouraged to continue to exercise responsibility and caution, such as wearing masks when in crowded places.
Sab of Main Tulis Group
Sab a freelance writer (when they can find the time for it). A recipient of both the National Arts Council Arts Scholarship as well as the Singapore Unbound Fellowship, their work has been performed in Singapore, London and Perth. Notable credits include two M1 Fringe Festival Singapore plays, Bi(cara) (2016) and Under My Skin (2017), as well as Coming, Going (2017), performed as part of London-based Bunker Theatre's microfestival, Bunker without Borders.
Sab is a member of Main Tulis Group, Singapore's first playwright collective focusing on English and Malay texts. As part of their practice, Sab is committed to championing the voices of the minority and is also interested in finding new ways to tell old stories.
3 Sep 2022, Sat
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