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Esplanade Presents
5 Aug 2023, Sat, 6.45pm, 8pm & 9.15pm
(Intermission: None)
DBS Foundation Outdoor Theatre at Esplanade
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Join guitar rock powerhouses The Oddfellows and two soul-baring singer-songwriters—mellow folk musician lewloh and R&B vocalist xena giam—for a night of homegrown indie gems.
Phases of Singapore's INDIEpendent Music
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Uncompromising in his pursuit of connection through lyricism, lewloh is a Singapore-based musician, songwriter, and Twitch streamer.
Mellow at times but always hopeful, lewloh’s refreshing take on the folk singer-songwriter genre in Asia puts him at the forefront of emerging artists from Singapore and the rest of Southeast Asia. With an openness to all that life has to offer, his writing offers an honest and introspective yearning to understand love and relationships.
xena giam
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xena giam, a Singapore-born and bred aspiring singer-songwriter, channels her life stories into her songwriting. Putting her heart and experiences out there, she draws inspiration from singers and storytellers like Moira Dela Torre, Bren Joy and Samm Henshaw. Combining emotions, soul and groove, all-in-one, in her songs, xena hopes to bring the audience on an unforgettable journey throughout every one of her live performances.
5 Aug 2023, Sat
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