Going onstage (www.esplanade.com).

About Offstage

Esplanade Offstage is a growing repository of videos, stories, podcasts and resources about the performing arts and culture in Singapore and Asia.

Rich with content suitable for all ages to learn through and about the arts, Offstage demystifies the arts and offers in-depth perspectives for newcomers and arts lovers alike. This includes families and kids, schools and researchers.

Offstage is produced by Esplanade – Theatres on the Bay, Singapore’s national performing arts centre. Here on Offstage, you will also discover content related to programmes and performances at Esplanade.

For content or distribution partnerships, reach us here. We'd love to hear from you!

No part of the content on Offstage may be reproduced in any form without the prior written permission of The Esplanade Co Ltd. For reproduction of our content, please write in to corporate@esplanade.com.